Friday, January 27, 2006

城市里的流浪猫 [和讯博客]

城市里的流浪猫 [和讯博客]: ""

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Beijing's New Enforcer: Microsoft - New York Times

Beijing's New Enforcer: Microsoft - New York Times: "'We think it's better to be there with our services than not be there.' This is a false choice. "

Saturday, January 14, 2006



How about porting Ghostview to PSP?

Index of /~tor/repos/fitz

Index of /~tor/repos/fitz


So, I found most bugs of Bookr lies in mupdf. We have to do more on mupdf. On the other hand, I will survey some other PDF libs.

Friday, January 13, 2006 Bookr Bookr

Another PDF reader for PSP. It's released months ago, but I found it just now. It's also an open source project. I recommend this homebrew now, it's more stable and functional.

* Better UI.
* More stable. Just show an error message when failed to load some pages, only hangs after hibernating.
* More functional. Supports both TXT and PDF, configurable controls. It even displayed some Chinese pages (while failed to load more.)

So, I will work on this project now.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Colorful PSP PDF Reader

I installed PSPPDF v0.2 to my PSP days ago. It's great expect the bug of color: it shows everything in red.

It's a small bug about color format, so I fixed it soon. (I failed to contact the original developer of v0.1 and v0.2.) Now, it's released as v0.2u1. There're still some know bugs. For example, it hangs when loading some large PDFs. I'll work on them later.

Please download it here. Source codes are included.

Monday, January 09, 2006




前两天看了 IBM 98 年的一篇论文,是很具体的技术,应用在个人用品上的。其中提到的想法是一个人在办公时可能会有几十个这样的设备,俺小小滴延伸一下,如果这些东西都带在身 上会咋样?要说一个普通人带着个机器协助所有事物没啥意思,俺又不是美军的啥陆地勇士,再说这也不附和消费习惯和商业模式。但如果是把芯片做到衣服鞋子帽 子里,可能性就非常大了。试想十年后买内裤时会问一下这条内裤是用的哪家的系统,感觉是不是很那个?更可怕的是,你的 MS 内裤,Google 衬衫和 IBM 外套还会用一套公共协议来协商你是热是冷是坐是跑,然后自动调节温度松紧,当你想跟人干架时还自动把袖子撸起来。想到这个时我脑子就开始发木了: 这好像比 Matrix 还那个啊。

回头说 SimCity。这个游戏好像有点无穷无尽的感觉了,时下那些网络游戏我是不懂,但如果能这么弄下去,似乎的确有些人可以生活在网络里了。Matrix 会比我们想象的来得更快吗?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

WikiReader - Meta

WikiReader - Meta

How about to read WikiReaders with PSP?

Google Sets

Google Sets

I don't understand the purpose of this function.

Google Transit

Google Transit

A new service from Google.